
For the afternoons, we propose various activities among which every commensal can choose freely. They will allow us to exchange and create ideas in an intense, joyful, serious and original atmosphere. Below, we have listed some examples for the activities we have in mind. Note, however, that the list is non-exhaustive since the activities are currently still being devised.

Philosophical Walk.
Embark on a bold adventure deep into the forests and fields with a particularly fierce and thorny philosophical question.

Scientific Tale.
Write a science-related short story which will be read in the evening just before bed.

Technical Training.
For each of the morning lectures there will be exercises which may be attacked to deepen understanding of the topic.

Seminal Paper.
Try to understand as much as possible of a seminal scientific paper in a limited time.

Discuss a polemical question following the debating rules (two teams defend pros and cons).

Games, riddles and inventions.
Play funny non-standard games, solve riddles and try to invent your own!

Find a rational explanation to a phenomenon of everyday-life.

State of the Art.
Free your artistic streak and give material shape to your scientific intuitions.

The University of Mézeyrac.
Devise a new educational system.

Second-hand teaching.
Try to encapsulate the main ideas of a course you followed.

It is just a theory...
Devise new theories about unexpected topics...

My kitchen-lab.
Do chemistry! The kitchen will be your lab...

Crackpot test.
As an application of the lecture about intellectual self-defense, confront yourself with pseudoscientific reasoning and see if the arguments might convince you.


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